
Product Spotlight: littil LED VIVA Hospital Troffer

Date: 10.03.2016

Author: admin

Australian and New Zealand ‘Cyanosis’ standard 1680.2.5 sets out lighting recommendations for a variety of tasks carried out within hospitals and medical facilities, specifically for particular tasks associated with clinical observation, treatment and care.
littil LED were aware of a lack of options with sufficient Cyanosis Observation Indexes (COI), leading to over or under lighting in many hospital and medical facilities.
With long operating hours and high energy bills, it is essential that hospitals have access to lights that both reduce their energy consumption and meet legal requirements.


Our in house lighting engineers and designers have developed and custom built a troffer for Macquarie Hospital, NSW with a COI of 1.4 that meets stringent Australian Standard 1680.2.5 and an LED chip with a specific red spectrum compared to a standard troffer.
In addition, littil has developed a return air troffer, purpose built for the easy implementation of lighting retrofits where lighting and air conditioning are combined.

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Specialists in custom lighting design solution


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