
Transport & Logistics
TNT were interested in conducting a suite of LED lighting upgrades across 13 depots in NSW, ACT, NT, QLD and TAS. The goal of the project was to reduce electricity consumption, improve lux levels and lighting quality across
depot operational areas and reduce ongoing maintenance costs.
TNT required a lighting solution that would provide a payback of 2 years and achieve a lighting energy reduction of at least 30% on all sites. The project presented the challenge of maintaining lighting to the depots during the works such that all parties had uninterrupted use of all parts of the depots and minimum disruption to operations.
The project was completed successfully, with more than 2,000 LED lights installed and TNT receiving more than $120,000 in VEEC/ESC subsidies towards the total cost of the project. The final payback period for the project
was just 1.3 years, a great achievement for all parties involved.
In addition. the emissions savings of the LED upgrade are equivalent to taking 340 passenger vehicles off the road each year, contributing enormously towards offsetting TNT’s carbon footprint.